Reduce stress during the holidays

While there is much information out there designed to help you stay focused, on track, and keep your pace I would like to help you take a little detour and slow down a bit.
Now, that isn’t permission to just dive off the deep end. It is however a reminder to practice balance.
We live in such a fast paced society and promote productivity so much it’s no wonder that we have a difficult time slowing down AND when we finally do we feel guilty about it.
The holidays provide the perfect time and the perfect reason to do the things we don’t normally get to do. Now is the time to remove some of the stress from your life by allowing yourself to loosen up and relax. So, please! Indulge a little.
You don’t always have to be so go go go………………..Have B A L A N C E.
If you have the time - lounge in bed a little longer
Binge watch t.v.
Drink the wine, eat the pie.
Read the book
Have the hour long phone catch up conversation or
Disconnect from your phone and email
Ask for help when you need it
Plan some time to yourself (to be alone or to surround yourself with people - whatever floats your boat)
Treat yourself to something for YOU - Get a massage
Get enough sleep
Do the things that put you in a good mental and emotional place and do so guiltlessly.
You owe it to yourself and you deserve it. You know you do…so take this time to indulge a little and recharge so that in a few weeks when the holidays are over you got the rest you needed and are ready to take on the next year and all that it will bring.
From now until then, here are a few tips so you don’t completely fall of the train tracks.
HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Drinking plenty of water helps you metabolize, keeps your skin looking good, prevents you from feeling hungry (and possibly making bad food choices), and helps keep your breath fresh.
Try to stay away from sugary drinks (sugar depletes you of hydration which contributes to hangovers). Lighter alcohol tends to be “healthier” than dark alcohol but, set a drink limit. Alcohol has useless calories.
Set limitations on how much you can indulge. Have a piece of the pie but, don’t eat the whole dang thang.
Plan. Schedule the days that you will get sh*t done and schedule the days that you are dedicating to do NOTHING. Balance between these two will help you stay refreshed and refueled.
If you’re not in the mood to go to the gym give yourself more off days and if you still don’t want to go to the gym find other ways to stay active like going on hikes or long walks. Or, just stretch at home. Anything that reminds your body how good it feels to move and feel healthy.
Above all things: practice balance, have mercy on yourself, and be realistic about your goals and your capabilities.
The holidays present a special time of the year. Savor and appreciate them. In a few weeks you’ll be back on track and you will be thankful to yourself that you enjoyed the festivities.