Why should I be ashamed of something that I can not control?
How my fear of NOT having a baby, has helped me fight the fear of having another loss.
My first R.E. was a nightmare experience, but it taught me to fight and advocate for myself.
We are WARRIORS & if we can get through the struggles of loss & infertility... we WILL get through ANYTHING.
Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life's biggest challenges.
When I first found out I was pregnant, I never thought I'd have a miscarriage.
Hope is having in faith in something you can not see, hear or touch, but you CAN definitely FEEL IT!
This place in time is only a moment. Our journey still continues & there is soo much more life waiting for us to live.
Wherever you find yourself right now, know that it is only a part of your journey. It is not your final destination. Better days will come!
No one talks about how hard having a baby can be, but so many people struggle (in silence).