My diagnosis for Recurrent Miscarriages

My diagnosis for Recurrent Miscarriages

I have been diagnosed.

I have an autoimmune disorder called, Antiphospholipid Syndrome.

It is a rare blood clotting disorder.

Long story short, because of this I have a 75-80% chance of either miscarriage or stillborn if I am not closely monitored & on treatment.

(Here is the video on what symptoms led to this diagnosis.)

Knowledge of this has been overwhelmingly full of feelings that feel debilitating.

And it's made me ask myself questions that I never want to know the real answers to.

NEVER did I EVER think that this is what my journey to motherhood would look like.

Even as I write this, I find myself in disbelief.🥺

The good news is that

1.We have a diagnosis

2.There is treatment available

(I know many couples never get answers & I'm sensitive to that so, I feel very grateful that we have an answer, nonetheless, the information is bittersweet & nothing is guaranteed.)

Once we start to try again we will start with 81mg of Aspirin to help thin my blood & we're discussing the option of steroid shots (called Lovenox), but that's a more aggressive approach with greater side effects so we're still deciding if that route is necessary for me or if the Aspirin will be enough.

Will are doing more testing to help us figure out what my body needs.

With treatment my chances of a full term pregnancy are about 75% so for now... I'm hanging on to hope.

Please keep us in your prayers!