Why should I be ashamed of something that I can not control?
How my fear of NOT having a baby, has helped me fight the fear of having another loss.
In my vows I told my husband that I would "always give him the best of me", but after suffering multiple miscarriages he has seen the worst parts of me.
"What if?" Can be soooo scary because we typically think of the worse things that can happen.
But WHAT IF we shift our perspective to positive "what ifs?"
It’s important to not shame women who share and make it safe for them to seek support.
My first R.E. was a nightmare experience, but it taught me to fight and advocate for myself.
We are WARRIORS & if we can get through the struggles of loss & infertility... we WILL get through ANYTHING.
As it is ALL relationships have challenges, but couples who experience infertility and/or loss feel like they've been through war together.
Since miscarriages are seldomly spoken of, most women don't know what to expect if it ever happens to them.
Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life's biggest challenges.
When I first found out I was pregnant, I never thought I'd have a miscarriage.
Hope is having in faith in something you can not see, hear or touch, but you CAN definitely FEEL IT!
This place in time is only a moment. Our journey still continues & there is soo much more life waiting for us to live.
Don't let the bad days take away from the good ones
Wherever you find yourself right now, know that it is only a part of your journey. It is not your final destination. Better days will come!
No one talks about how hard having a baby can be, but so many people struggle (in silence).