Becoming my own advocate


I had my appointment with my R.E. on Monday & I needed some time to digest our conversation.

Initially I felt disappointed.

Because I had put so much faith in that conversation.

I've been counting down the days to discuss my results & create a plan.

BUT, (how do I say this nicely?) my R.E. did NOT seem prepared or INFORMED about my case.

Even though we've been working together for several months now, it was like she had forgotten everything we've discussed.

I understand that while I only have 1 R.E., she has hundreds of patients, BUT I'm paying for this expertise out of pocket & have expectations.

I can't imagine how much more confused I'd feel if I wasn't such an adamant self-advocate.

If I relied solely on my doctors, I'd be lost.

So after reviewing my results, her recommendation is... (drum roll please )


1. I could do IVF to ensure that we implant a tested embryo BUT because I am able to get pregnant on my own it isn't "necessary" or

2. I can keep trying & just put faith in my body.

(I will be on both Aspirin & Lovenox to thin my blood regardless.)

After 3 losses, it's been hard to forgive my body because I felt like it let me down.

(Other than my APS my tests could not find any other reason for my miscarriages.)

BUT over the last 4 months I've made some lifestyle changes to (hopefully) help boost my egg quality & I so badly want to believe in my body.

IVF is not to be taken lightly.

It's strenuous on both the body & bank account...

So, we've decided to try on our own for now.

We're going to start trying again next month but I don't know when I'll get pregnant & I don't know if it will finally lead to a baby.

Please pray for us