Update on my diagnosis

Other than my fertility issues I am perfectly healthy.⁣

My husband is healthy.⁣

Our loved ones are healthy.⁣

⁣We have soooo much to be grateful for...(especially during a global pandemic)⁣

⁣Other than my fertility issues, life is GOOD.⁣

⁣Remembering this keeps me grateful. ⁣

⁣So as I write this, I just keep thinking to focus on what I have instead of what I don't.⁣

Including the fact that even though my diagnosis isn't the best, it could also be so much worse.⁣


I'm still processing everything and something about writing it down just makes it more real, so this is one of my most difficult posts.⁣

⁣In April I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve. My AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) was at .93⁣

For my age, I should be at 2.0⁣

⁣I've spent the last 4 months making some tweaks to my lifestyle with supplements & such hoping that if anything we could hold on to that number, but this week we checked them again and they have dropped to .76⁣

⁣At only 33 my numbers are steadily dropping so time is of the essence. ⁣

⁣We still don't know what the quality of my eggs looks like & there is no way of knowing unless we do IVF.⁣

⁣We've also discovered that I have a short luteal phase (about 10 days) it should be minimum 12 to allow the egg to fully mature. If I've gotten pregnant with an immature egg, that could be a cause of my miscarriages.⁣

⁣I also am not producing enough Progesterone which could be another cause of miscarriage.⁣

⁣So, if my current cycle doesn't work, we are definitely doing a medicated cycle next time, but if we don't achieve a successful pregnancy asap (can't say how long because we have to monitor me month by month & take it step by step) then we're going to move on to IVF.⁣

I'm thinking no longer than the rest of this year.⁣

⁣Although nothing is certain, IF the main issue is my egg quality then IVF is the only way I can make sure we implant a good embryo.⁣

⁣I can't believe this is where we are, BUT again, I am grateful to be at a place where I FINALLY have some direction.⁣