Anxiety & Trauma after Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Anxiety & Trauma after Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

I Suffer From Anxiety...

Because of my 3 miscarriages

Because of my PTSD (from experiencing my body release the pregnancies, one of which resulted in multiple hospitalizations & blood transfusions because we had NOT discovered that I have a blood clotting disorder & I wouldn't stop bleeding.)

Because of fear that it could happen again

Because pregnancy will never be "normal" or "easy" for me (due to blood thinners I have to inject daily to prevent my body from miscarriage or having a stillborn)

Because I mourn that my path to pregnancy looks NOTHING like the vision I had my whole life

Because there are no guarantees that anything will work & all the time, effort, and money might still leave me empty handed

As a person with a background in Psychology, Coaching & Therapy it has been hard to accept that I now live with anxiety because even though I have the tools to MANAGE it, I don't have a magic wand to just make it disappear.

It is a daily struggle!

But here are some tools that can help:

  • Accept your feelings

They will NOT go away until you acknowledge & accept them so that you can work through them.

  • Meditate

This will calm your nerves & help you BREATHE

  • Create a support system

You need to talk to SOMEONE.

Find an anonymous online group if you must. Having people that you can relate to is a game changer.

  • Consider working with a therapist

  • Slowly start doing things that remind you of who you are

A big part of my anxiety also stems from not feeling like ME and that can make me feel LOST.

So I'm working on accepting the changes & creating a new & improved version of myself.

If you find yourself feeling this way too, know that…

It is ok

You are not alone

AND this is NOT permanent.

In time, you will eventually feel better. It's just important that you do your part but be patient.