Mantra after Loss (when you're not ready to give up)

Mantra after Loss (when you're not ready to give up)

“Disappointed, but not defeated.”

That's my MANTRA right now.

When people ask me how I'm feeling after suffering SEVERAL losses, that's what goes through my mind.

I am disappointed that after several pregnancies I STILL have NOTHING to show for them.

I'm disappointed that I'll never get to hold those babies, hear them giggle, or see their faces.

I'll never know what they were going to look like or who they were going to grow up to be.

I'm disappointed that my journey to motherhood is SOO much harder than I EVER thought it would be.

BUT I'm not ready to give up!

I can STILL feel the fight in me! And I hope this helps encourages you to find the fighter in you.