Lantern/Letter to my angel babies
I may not have much to "show" for it, but I am an angel mom & since I can't spend Mother's Day with my babies, I decided to use a messenger to send them a letter of love.
(This was my way of acknowledging & honoring my experience.)
Dear Angel Babies,
Mommy loves you & she's so sorry she never got the chance to show you just how much.
You may not have made it earth-side, but that doesn't make you any less real.
To her, you are very real... and so very loved.
Although your time together was short, it was & will always be meaningful.
You will always be loved & remembered.
With all her heart,
(It was too windy so we didn't actually get to release any lanterns, but it was a symbolic gesture that made our hearts feel full.)
Sending sooooo much love to everyone!
I know it is hard, but try to let yourself do something that makes your heart smile today.