I have now had 3 sessions of acupuncture & am ready to share with you.

I'm not a medical professional so I can only speak on my experience (and not for its effects but, I will do another post on the research I've gathered on its benefits.

I first found out about acupuncture after my 1st miscarriage.

I wish I would've started it then.

I went on to have 2 more miscarriages before I finally made the decision to try it.

My only regret with acupuncture is that I didn't start sooner.

The day I walked into my 1st appointment I was carrying a very heavy heart.

It had been 2 wks since my 3rd miscarriage & the weight of it all was starting to take its toll on me.

I was lethargic (napping throughout the day)

With low appetite

Overwhelmed with anxiety

And constantly on the verge of tears.

My Acupuncturist sat with me for almost an hr just talking to me (which was therapeutic in itself).

I had no idea what the treatment would be like & I was pleasantly surprised.

Many of you asked me, DOES IT HURT?

Only some of the needles hurt & only for the brief moment when she initially inserted them. The entire experience was pretty painless (considering I was laying for an hr with needles all over me).


During my session I felt like I was floating!

That has never happened to me before.

I felt relaxed & a sense of relief for the 1st time in a long time.

I felt like I had a vacuum on my chest that was sucking out all the pain & anxiety.

It's too soon to tell what effects it will truly have on my body, but I can tell you that it's been incredibly healing for my heart & head.


HEALING. That's the 1st word that comes to mind. Since starting acupuncture I have noticed a huge decrease in my anxiety levels, my energy is starting to rise, and I'm hungry again...not just for food, but for life.

Something about doing something for myself to take charge & have some sense of control over my body & how I feel in it just feels soooo good!

For more information on Acupuncture, check out this Q & A with my Acupuncturist