Give yourself permission to find joy again

Give yourself permission to find joy

I may be smiling now & DOING my best to make the most of the life I've been given but...

I know what it feels like to hold a miracle in the palm of your hands (in the form of a positive pregnancy test) and then have it slip through your finger tips before you ever really had the chance to grasp it.

I know what it feels like to feel like all your dreams have come true only to have it all turn into a nightmare.

I know what it feels like to lose something that leaves a huge hole of emptiness in you.

I know what it feels like to wear a smile on my face, while carrying sadness in my heart.

In the past year, I have been forced to face some of my greatest fears (3 times).

Sometimes it has felt like I've been stuck in reverse. And no matter how hard I tried or how much I wanted to move forward...I just couldn't.

So I did it. I confronted everything & am here to tell you that I SURVIVED & you will too!

This place in time is only a moment. Our journey still continues & there is soo much more life waiting for us to live.

Allow yourself to feel all the feels & when you're ready... ALLOW YOURSELF TO FIND JOY AGAIN!

Although what has happened will inevitably leave its mark on you & change you... you get to decide HOW it changes you.

My Dear Sisters,

You were strong before & you will be even stronger after surviving this!