How sharing led me to getting support

How sharing led me to getting support

When I posted about my miscarriage

I was full of fear.

The thought of sharing something so personal scared me.

But now, I wish I would've shared sooner.

I realize now, I suffered in silence much longer than I should have.

When I posted about my MC, I did it because I wanted to stop hiding & pretending AND because I felt so alone.

I know it's common, I know I'm 1in4.

BUT I don't KNOW anyone in my circle that has gone through this.

I didn't have anyone to call, anyone to talk to, anyone who could truly UNDERSTAND me.

My post was a plea to connect with women!

But I never in a million years thought that soooo many women FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD  would reach out to share their stories & support me.

Have you looked through the comments in my Instagram posts?!

Have you seen how many of us there are?

Sisters! We have begun a movement!

TOGETHER we have created a safe space for us ALL to share.

I am so proud of us!

I've received messages telling me I'm strong, but YOU are the strong ones!

You reached out to a complete stranger to hold her in a time of need.

You put your OWN pride aside to make sure 1 woman knew she wasn't alone.

Do you realize how POWERFUL you are?!

You have changed my life!

Your support has given me strength!

Because of YOU, I am empowered.

Having you makes my little voice ROAR!

And now, I'm on a mission to spread awareness & support in honor of all our stories.

Thank you, you ALL (every 1 of you) mean soo much to me!

Now let's do this! Let's let the world know, we are choosing STRENGTH over SILENCE!