How to find the light after loss

How to find the light after loss

How do you find the light after loss?

How do you find the strength to keep going?

How do you get the courage to try again?


For us, it has been a matter of just taking everything day by day, one step at a time.

But it's a roller-coaster ride.

Some days are good, some days are not.

Personally, I have triggers now and I have to make an active effort every day to control how they effect me.






Connecting with you all on here has helped me.

Not only do I not feel alone, but I feel so supported. And I want to make sure you're doing ok too.

If you need 1:1 support, I am here for you.

I wish I could hug each & every one of you. I love you my sisters.

I see you.

I am with you.

Sending you extra love today!