12 tips that can help you make sure you stay on track while enjoying the journey.
“Practice makes perfect” is wrong. It’s “practice makes permanent”. Any habits you repeatedly do (good or bad) will turn into a pattern.
What happened is already done and can’t be changed. What will happen is uncertain and can’t be controlled. Now is all we have.
Don’t miss out on living in this moment because you are busy worried about your past or your future.
Touch is important for EVERYONE. It is a human necessity for all people, but especially for couples.
Creating companionship is a key component in establishing and maintaining a long-term healthy relationship that can grow and flourish against the test of time.
Relationships are not complicated.
People are complicated and people complicate relationships.
Set yourself free. Release the bad so you can receive the good.
Still can't believe this happened! : His proposal is hands down the most sweet, thoughtful, and elaborate thing ANYONE has ever done for me! Never in a million years did I think that someday this is how I would get engaged. (I've watched this video over and over again and still can't believe that I am that girl.)
This blog is for people who feel restless because they’ve been dating and can’t seem to find “Mr.Right”.
Here are 2 simple steps to help you move in the right direction AND make sure you don’t waste your time.
While there is much information out there designed to help you stay focused, on track, and keep your pace I would like to help you take a little detour, slow down a bit, and indulge during the holidays.
Positivity takes practice…everyday. Practice in creating positivity and practice in removing negativity. What if the source of the negativity in your life comes from a person and not a thing?
The only thing you have control of is how you react to the things you don’t have control over.