EmpowermentLinny StoneAugust 17, 2019 What if? The right what if’s can fill your life with curiosity, excitement, and joy. EmpowermentLinny StoneAugust 17, 2019
EmpowermentLinny StoneJuly 08, 2019 How to staying FOCUSED and MOTIVATED to reach your life goals 12 tips that can help you make sure you stay on track while enjoying the journey. EmpowermentLinny StoneJuly 08, 2019
EmpowermentLinny StoneJuly 01, 2019 Are you a victim of your patterns? “Practice makes perfect” is wrong. It’s “practice makes permanent”. Any habits you repeatedly do (good or bad) will turn into a pattern. EmpowermentLinny StoneJuly 01, 2019
EmpowermentLinny StoneJune 25, 2019 If you want to be free… 4 Simple Steps to help you find freedom EmpowermentLinny StoneJune 25, 2019
EmpowermentLinny StoneFebruary 14, 2019 How to focus on the NOW What happened is already done and can’t be changed. What will happen is uncertain and can’t be controlled. Now is all we have. Don’t miss out on living in this moment because you are busy worried about your past or your future. EmpowermentLinny StoneFebruary 14, 2019
EmpowermentLinny StoneSeptember 11, 2018 Positivity Takes Practice (and removing negativity) Positivity takes practice…everyday. Practice in creating positivity and practice in removing negativity. What if the source of the negativity in your life comes from a person and not a thing? EmpowermentLinny StoneSeptember 11, 2018
EmpowermentLinny StoneAugust 29, 2018 How to THINK and ACT positively The only thing you have control of is how you react to the things you don’t have control over. EmpowermentLinny StoneAugust 29, 2018