Why positivity is so powerful

Why positivity is so powerful

To be a positive person it is required to change your mindset so that you find the positive in the negative OR better yet …you find the good in the bad. Why does it matter? What’s the big deal??? Why do we need to be positive?

Well, for starters we are living during a time where the rate of depression and anxiety are on the rise. People suffer from these conditions for many reasons, but for purposes of this blog I have focused on the power of your mind because it is the only thing that we have control over. We can’t necessarily control the environment around us, but we can control the environment we place ourselves in.

Annnnnd………..The only thing we truly have control over is how we react to things we can’t control.

That is why living with a positive perspective is so powerful. It CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE because it changes the way you look at everything. When you live with a positive perspective nothing happens “to you” it all happens “for you”.

With that said, positivity is not only an attitude, positivity is an action…that takes practice over and over again until it becomes automatic (and even then you will have moments where you will need to remind yourself that even in the worst of situations there is a silver lining in everything).

However, it can be easier to be positive and stay positive by surrounding yourself with positive people and positive things. Be conscious of your surroundings and the subliminal messages it makes on your subconscious. Everything from:

  • The music you listen to

  • The things you follow on your social media feed

  • The people you keep close make an impact on how you perceive the life you are living

Practice releasing attachments to things, thoughts and people. You are not bound to anyone or anything. It is not only okay to remove people or things that bring negativity into your life…it is NECESSARY!

Be conscious of areas in your life that can be cleaned up so that you can remove the bad and make space for the good.

Sending you love & light,
