Work from home tips
With everything that's happening many companies are asking their employees to work from home for now. Although that may initially sound great, many people can find themselves feeling confused & off beat after a few days of doing this.
For people who aren't used to spending hours at home alone for days on end here are a few tips to help you stay sane & productive.
1. Keep your routine
Even though you're home, try to wake up around the same time to give yourself a consistent schedule.
2. Shower & change
As tempting as it is, DO NOT stay in your pajamas all day.
3. Prepare your meals & snacks as if you were going to work
It's easy to over eat when you have your kitchen at your disposal.
4. Take a lunch break
Working from home is still working. You'll need a break in between your day. Don't feel guilty about taking it.
5. Create a comfortable work space
If you don't have a home office find a well lit space in your home, with comfortable seating, keep it clean & organized, and decorate with your work essentials & things that make you feel comfortable.
You’re more likely to take a nap than be productive & laying in bed all day is bad for your back.
7. Take a walk or do a home workout
It's important to avoid being in crowded places right now, but fresh air will still do you good.
8. It's ok to set an on/off time
Just because you're working from home doesn't mean you need to be available to your company 24/7 it's ok to only respond during business hours, but of course this depends on your work arrangement with your company.
9. Make some calls
Human interaction is vital to good mental health. Just because you can't see anyone doesn't mean you can't talk to anyone.
10. Enjoy it
Eventually you'll be back in the office, along with traffic, etc. Take things day by day & take charge of what you can, but don't stress about things you can't control.
I've been working from home for years now & run my own business with my husband. We're lucky to have each other's company at home, but these are all things we do daily to maintain balance in our lives.