How to reduce anxiety

How to reduce anxiety

There is soo much going on right now & we're all effected differently, but none the less WE'RE ALL EFFECTED BY IT.

Change can be challenging to adjust to especially when it's unwanted change that disrupts the regular rhythm of our lives.

But the most important thing to do to help you get through this is to tell yourself daily:

  • This is NOT permanent.

  • This will pass & when it does the cloud of quiet somber that seems to be looming over our nations will be lifted & we will all celebrate the simple things we've taken for granted.

  • It could be worse! We're all effected one way or another by this, but some have it way worse than others. Practice gratitude for what you have vs what you don't.

Look for the positive…

  1. Small scale - think of the good that being quarantined has given like endless time with our families at home or quiet alone time to ourselves.

  2. Big scale - less pollution

  3. Relinquish control

  4. ️Don't feel guilty

  5. ️Let go of - should've, could've, would've

  6. ️Eat well balanced meals

  7. ️Reduce alcohol (I know it can be tempting, but alcohol is a depressant. Long term, it will not help you feel better during quarantine.)

  8. ️Reduce caffeine (it is a stimulant that can make your body physically feel anxious, even if your mind is not)

  9. ️Get good sleep (Don't feel bad if you nap more than usual. Listen to your body)

  10. ️Exercise daily (to release feel good endorphins)

  11. ️Go for neighborhood walks

  12. ️Meditate or count to 10 slowly

  13. ️Ask for help!

Remember, you're not a lone. We're all experiencing this together. Reach out to people if you're struggling. Chances are, they're struggling too.

Sending love & light!