Indoor Activities During Quarantine

Luckily my husband & I have been working together from home for some time now so we're used to being together pretty much 24/7 but for some people that can be a huge adjustment & I totally get that. (I'll do a separate post on how to work from home with spouses, roommates, or family.)

Whether you are quarantined with someone or by yourself, here's a list of things to help the time pass & maybe even be productive:


  • Make a To-Do List of all the things you've been wanting to do, but haven't had the time for. (Mark them off as you do them.)

  • Clean your house (this will also help sanitize everything)

  • Go through your closet, pull out things you're never going to wear again, & prep them to donate.

  • Organize your drawers

  • Clean & organize your garage


  • Do a puzzle, Rubik's cube, or crossword puzzle

  • Play games: Cards, Monopoly, board games, Chess (If you don't know how, nows a great time to learn)

  • Start journal

  • Read that book you've been wanting to read or look up books

  • Knit or crochet

  • Watch all the really long movies you haven't had the time to watch

  • Download Duolingo or any similar app & learn a new language

  • Meditate (Calm & headspace are good apps to help)

  • Facetime or call your family & friends

  • Make a list of all the things you want to do & places you want to go once this is over


  • Toss out expired items

  • Deep clean your fridge & pantry

  • Bake

  • Meal prep


  • You don't need any equipment for Yoga (look up apps to direct you)

  • Do home workouts

There's only soo much you can do indoors before you start to catch cabin fever so go outside, take a walk, or go on a hike if not daily at least a 3-4 times a week. This will definitely help you get through this time of quarantine.