Indoor Activities During Quarantine
Luckily my husband & I have been working together from home for some time now so we're used to being together pretty much 24/7 but for some people that can be a huge adjustment & I totally get that. (I'll do a separate post on how to work from home with spouses, roommates, or family.)
Whether you are quarantined with someone or by yourself, here's a list of things to help the time pass & maybe even be productive:
Make a To-Do List of all the things you've been wanting to do, but haven't had the time for. (Mark them off as you do them.)
Clean your house (this will also help sanitize everything)
Go through your closet, pull out things you're never going to wear again, & prep them to donate.
Organize your drawers
Clean & organize your garage
Do a puzzle, Rubik's cube, or crossword puzzle
Play games: Cards, Monopoly, board games, Chess (If you don't know how, nows a great time to learn)
Start journal
Read that book you've been wanting to read or look up books
Knit or crochet
Watch all the really long movies you haven't had the time to watch
Download Duolingo or any similar app & learn a new language
Meditate (Calm & headspace are good apps to help)
Facetime or call your family & friends
Make a list of all the things you want to do & places you want to go once this is over
Toss out expired items
Deep clean your fridge & pantry
Meal prep
You don't need any equipment for Yoga (look up apps to direct you)
Do home workouts
There's only soo much you can do indoors before you start to catch cabin fever so go outside, take a walk, or go on a hike if not daily at least a 3-4 times a week. This will definitely help you get through this time of quarantine.