Taking it one day at a time

Taking it one day at a time

My Dear Sisters,


If you suffer from infertility or loss you probably also suffer from some sort of anxiety (rightfully so).

The things that you could find yourself worried about are endless.

Worried about the next step.

Worried about the next Appt.

Worried about it not working.

Worried about never becoming a mom.

Worried about not being able to give your kids a sibling.

Worried about losing another baby.

Worried about ALL the things that could possibly go wrong.

The list goes on...

It isn't easy, but it is POSSIBLE.

We need to stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet.

It's so unfair to allow ourselves to live in the fear or pain of something that WE MAY NEVER EVEN EXPERIENCE!

You don't deserve to live through the pain of something that hasn't happened.

Again, I know that's easier said then done if you have had loss or failed attempts in any way to expand your family, BUT it is possible & you owe to yourself to try.

Every time you are in a position where you start worrying about things that HAVEN'T happened or things you can't control repeat this out loud or in your head.

"I will NOT worry about things that have NOT happened."

Say it a minimum of 3 times while breathing slowly & allowing yourself to REALLY believe it.

Imagine yourself exhaling the worry & inhaling the peace.

Take things step by step & cross each bridge as you get there.

Sending you love & wishing you peace.