FOODLinny StoneFood

Food that is good for your mood

FOODLinny StoneFood
Food that is good for your mood

Did you know that eating clean & healthy not only effects your body, but can have an impact on your mood?

Here is a list of foods known to boost your mood & energy:

  • Fatty fish like Salmon are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which may lower your risk of depression.

  • Dark chocolate is rich in compounds that may increase feel-good chemicals in your brain.

  • Since up to 90% of your body’s Serotonin is produced in your gut, a healthy gut may correspond to a good mood. Fermented foods like yogurt & kombucha are rich in probiotics that support gut health.

  • Bananas are a great source of natural sugar, vitamin B6, and prebiotic fiber, which work together to keep your blood sugar levels and mood stable.

  • Oats provide fiber that can stabilize your blood sugar levels & boost your mood. They’re also high in iron, which may improve mood symptoms in those with iron deficiency anemia.

  • Berries are rich in disease-fighting anthocyanins, which may lower your risk of depression.

  • Certain nuts & seeds are high in tryptophan, zinc, and selenium, which may support brain function.

  • Coffee provides numerous compounds, including caffeine and chlorogenic acid, that may boost your mood.

  • Beans & lentils are rich sources of mood-boosting nutrients, particularly B vitamins.

Add these to your grocery list and try incorporating them into your diet weekly. Finding what your body best responds to can take time because results vary from person to person, but combining a great diet with a fitness routine can have a very positive effect not only on how you look, but even more importantly on how you feel.